Electric Bike Blogs

Are E-Bikes Worth the Investment?
Are E-Bikes Worth the Investment?
Is it worth buying an e-bike? Of all the various forms of transport, e-bikes provide an excellent alternative to ...

5 Ways E-Bikes Can Improve Your Life
Perhaps you’ve never been on an e-bike before or perhaps you’ve already gotten an impression from a friend or family member about what it’s like to...

5 Signs Your Electric Bike Needs Repair
5 Signs Your Electric Bike Needs Repair
Biking in general has become extremely popular in recent years. During the pandemic, as major cities faced...

Under Lock & Key: How to Keep Your E-Bike Safe and Secure
One of the greatest joys of owning an e-bike is the ability to zoom around paths, roads, and all across our great cities and towns. But a constant ...

A Guide to Our E-Bike Maintenance Services
E-bikes need plenty of good quality maintenance and servicing to remain in top shape and to perform at peak performance year-round. That’s why Pire...

Our Top 3 - Electric Scooters for Children and Children at Heart
There used to be a time when scooters were child’s play. Not that that’s a bad thing, and modern scooters such as our high-quality electric scooter...

5 Reasons Electric Bikes Are The Future
We live in an era where people are becoming more and more conscious of the future of this planet. More and more people are asking difficult questio...

5 Road Safety Must-Have Accessories for 2021
Yes, safety is critical, especially on eBikes.....
The joys of zipping around town or under leafy green trees along the trails with a modern E-bike...

How Often Should I Service My e-bike?
Over recent years, people have been looking for more efficient and eco-friendly methods of travelling. One of the options that many have decided to...